a black wall with a lot of different pictures on it

The Gratitude Random Image Generator

Below you will see 4 cards of different colours.

Pick the first colour you feel you are drawn to. No thought, just a feeling.

  1. THINK - Take a moment to THINK about what you might be grateful for in relation to the image. What do you appreciate about it?

  2. FEEL - Focus on your heart area and FEEL the gratitude and appreciation you have for it.

  3. DO - DO something with that feeling.

  • Stay in this meditative space, breathing the feeling in and out through your heart area for as long as you feel you need to.

  • Journal, draw or doodle the feelings or images of gratitude that come to mind.

  • Is there a random act of gratitude or appreciation this prompts you to do today. Does it bring someone or something to mind that you may sometimes take for granted?

  • Just for today, make a point to actually say thank you or show appreciation.

woman wearing silver-colored ring
woman wearing silver-colored ring
person holds book
person holds book
person holding orange-petaled flowers
person holding orange-petaled flowers
person reaching black heart cutout paper
person reaching black heart cutout paper

You will be redirected to the Canva Website and a 20 second video of random images will play in a new window.

When you are ready, pause the video to reveal your image for today and follow the steps below:

Extra tip!

Create a daily Gratitude reminder. This could be on your phone, a post it note on the fridge or a gratitude stone in your pocket or bag.

Not sure how to start your Daily Gratitude Practice?
A red cardA red card
A green cardA green card
A yellow cardA yellow card
A blue cardA blue card

Has my random image generator helped you?

Make an exchange of energy by clicking on the Ko-fi button below.